Mostrar algo en su realidad. El objeto sin ocultamientos.
El objeto es mi EGO.
Lectura de Joan Fontcuberta.
El Ego
Animation commissioned by creative consultancy Pelonio ( for the launch of a new and free iPad/iPhone App for Madrid fashion show 'El Ego'.
El Ego runs together with Cibeles Madrid and provides a platform for young, up and coming designer in Madrid to showcase their designs.
directed by Kris Hofmann
sound and music/ Box of Toys Audio
dop/ Mirko Beutler
edit/ Giorgio Gremigni
creative development/ Kris Hofmann and Maxi Recio
prototype and production of the black mirror/ Adam Laurence @ A Can of Gas
stop frame animation: Kris Hofmann and Jack Laurence
in the mirrors/ Brigid Hackett and Beanie Ker
shot @ Napier Works
Thanks to Thom Trigger, Joe Giacomet & Jeff @ Napier Works
El Ego